Michigan ASSP Chapters Renew Alliance with Michigan OSHA

MIOSHA, and the Greater Detroit Chapter, Mid-Michigan Chapter and Western Michigan Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) held a signing ceremony to renew cooperative alliances between the organizations. This occurred in conjunction with the Coffee with MIOSHA event held at the Great Lakes Training Center, held on August 23rd in Midland.

The GDC was represented by Chapter President Linda Zaziski. The participants intend to work together to raise awareness to safety matters through Outreach and Communication. 

The MIOSHA Alliance Program itself is open to all groups, including trade or professional organizations, government agencies, businesses, labor organizations and educational institutions in industry sectors where MIOSHA doesn’t have a strong presence. In the GDC’s case, we resigned a 3 year written agreement that formalizes the opportunity to collaborate on outreach and education and lead Michigan’s employers and employees in advancing workplace safety and health. The agreement is intended to build a trusting, cooperative relationship, to provide networking with like-minded safety professionals, and to leverage resources to maximize workplace safety and health.